
Go Deeper and Connect

Marketing and communicating effectively in today’s world is more difficult than ever before.  Not only is there far more competition for people's attention, but people are much more conscious of their purchase decisions. Today more than ever, people's inner values are driving everything from brand preferences to shopping styles.  Marketing based on demographics is no longer enough. Ever get the feeling that you’re missing something? Social Values drive what people feel, think, believe, desire, consume, experience and share. Meaningful, value-based connections with your audiences are vital to success. But what are those values? Zenzi’s Social Values tools help you understand the motivations of your target audiences. 


Go Deeper and Connect

Marketing and communicating effectively in today’s world is more difficult than ever before.  Not only is there far more competition for people's attention, but people are much more conscious of their purchase decisions. Today more than ever, people's inner values are driving everything from brand preferences to shopping styles.  Marketing based on demographics is no longer enough. Ever get the feeling that you’re missing something? Social Values drive what people feel, think, believe, desire, consume, experience and share. Meaningful, value-based connections with your audiences are vital to success. But what are those values? Zenzi’s Social Values tools help you understand the motivations of your target audiences. 


Hire Us

Experienced Marketers + Academic Researchers + Data Science = Results

Our team uniquely combines years of marketing experience, academic research, and data science.  Through our work with companies across multiple industries, we have empirical evidence of exactly what works with your audience’s unique value type. We’ve developed ValueBase™ to get the results you need. It is a research tool and marketing strategist rolled into one. It allows us to measure and pinpoint your customer’s core values, better understand how those values will motivate behavior, and create a communications strategy that speaks to values in a powerful and impactful way.

We offer more than just a consumer profile, we do the legwork and offer you a custom and effective communications strategy that you can easily apply to your company. 

Hire Us

Experienced Marketers + Academic Researchers + Data Science = Results

Our team uniquely combines years of marketing experience, academic research, and data science.  Through our work with companies across multiple industries, we have empirical evidence of exactly what works with your audience’s unique value type. We’ve developed ValueBase™ to get the results you need. It is a research tool and marketing strategist rolled into one. It allows us to measure and pinpoint your customer’s core values, better understand how those values will motivate behavior, and create a communications strategy that speaks to values in a powerful and impactful way.

We offer more than just a consumer profile, we do the legwork and offer you a custom and effective communications strategy that you can easily apply to your company. 


Unique Insights

A person’s values predict more than just brand preferences. Values predict important behaviors including:

·         What marketing messages are most effective

·         What influences their purchase decisions

·         The amount of time they spend online

·         The types of content they engage with

·         The types of experiences they prefer

Our Insights Blog contains a small fraction of the total number of interesting insights that we get from ValueBase. Want to become a better storyteller by speaking to inner values? Interested in finding your next great employee using values matching? 

Unique Insights

A person’s values predict more than just brand preferences. Values predict important behaviors including:

·         What marketing messages are most effective

·         What influences their purchase decisions

·         The amount of time they spend online

·         The types of content they engage with

·         The types of experiences they prefer

Our Insights Blog contains a small fraction of the total number of interesting insights that we get from ValueBase. Want to become a better storyteller by speaking to inner values? Interested in finding your next great employee using values matching?